Wednesday, January 2, 2019

EX 1-21 Balance sheets, net income

Financial information related to Ebony Interiors for February and March 2016 is as follows:

February 29, 2016 March 31, 2016 Cash 320,000 380,000 Accounts receivable 800,000 960,000 Supplies 30,000 35,000 Accounts payable 310,000 400,000 Common stock 200,000 200,000 Retained earnings  ? ?

a. Prepare balance sheets for Ebony Interiors as of February 29 and March 31, 2016.

b. Determine the amount of net income for March, assuming that no additional common stock was issued and no dividends were paid during the month. 

c. Determine the amount of net income for March, assuming that no additional common stock was issued, but dividends of $50,000 were paid during the month. 

Balance Sheet 
February 29, 2016 
Assets Liabilities 
Cash $  320,000 Accounts payable $  310,000 
Accounts receivable 800,000 
Supplies 30,000 Stockholders’ Equity 
Common stock $200,000 
Retained earnings 640,000*
Total stockholders’ 
equity 840,000 
Total liabilities and 
Total assets $1,150,000 stockholders’ equity $1,150,000 
*$640,000 = $320,000 + $800,000 + $30,000 – $310,000 – $200,000 
Balance Sheet 
March 31, 2016 
Assets Liabilities 
Cash $  380,000 Accounts payable $  400,000 
Accounts receivable 960,000 
Supplies 35,000 Stockholders’ Equity 
Common stock $200,000 
Retained earnings 775,000*
Total stockholders’ 
equity 975,000 
Total liabilities and 
Total assets $1,375,000 stockholders’ equity $1,375,000 
*$775,000 = $380,000 + $960,000 + $35,000 – $400,000 – $200,000 
b. Stockholders’ equity, March 31………………………………………………… $975,000 
Stockholders’ equity, February 29…………………….………………………   840,000 
Net     income…………………………………………………………………… $135,000 
c. Stockholders’ equity, March 31………………………………………………… $975,000 
Stockholders’ equity, February 29…………………….………………………   840,000 
Increasein stockholders’ equity…………………………………………… $135,000 
Add     dividends……………………………………………………………………     50,000 
Net     income…………………………………………………………………… $185,000 

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