Wednesday, January 2, 2019

EX 1-15 Net income and stockholders’ equity for four businesses

Four different corporations, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, and Venus, show the same balance sheet data at the beginning and end of a year. These data, exclusive of the amount of stockholders’ equity, are summarized as follows:

                                    Total Assets | Total Liabilities
Beginning of the year      $550,000 | $215,000
End of the year                  844,000 | 320,000

On the basis of the preceding data and the following additional information for the year, determine the net income (or loss) of each company for the year. (Hint: First determine the amount of increase or decrease in stockholders’ equity during the year.)

Jupiter: No additional common stock was issued and no dividends were paid.

Mars: No additional common stock was issued, but dividends of $36,000 were paid.

Saturn: Additional common stock of $60,000 was issued, but no dividends were paid. 

Venus: Additional common stock of $60,000 was issued and dividends of $36,000 were paid.

Stockholders’ equity at end of year ($844,000 – $320,000)…………………… $524,000 
Deduct stockholders’ equity at beginning of year ($550,000 – $215,000)…   335,000 
Net income (increase in stockholders’ equity)……………………………… $189,000 
Increase in stockholders’ equity (as determined for Jupiter)………………… $189,000 
Add      dividends…………………………………………………………………………     36,000 
Net      income………………………………………………………………………… $225,000 
Increase in stockholders’ equity (as determined for Jupiter)………………… $189,000 
Deduct additional issuance of common stock…………………………………     60,000 
Net      income………………………………………………………………………… $129,000 
Increase in stockholders’ equity (as determined for Jupiter)………………… $189,000 
Deduct additional issuance of common stock…………………………………     60,000 
Add      dividends…………………………………………………………………………     36,000 

Net      income………………………………………………………………………… $165,000 

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